After much deliberation, prayer, reflection and in accordance with the Apostolic Letter to the Ephesians 5:11 “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them”; His Eminence our Archbishop lodged today with His Solicitors a lawsuit against the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia and two of their Priests, Iordanis (Jordan) Krikelis and Leonidas Ioannou, under the Anti Vilification Legislation and accepted by the Courts. This is the first ever action taken against the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia from an independent group in order to stand against their tyranny, ostracization, vilification and bullying in respect to independent Orthodox groups whose only desire is to co-exist in peace and harmony among our fellow Orthodox. For many years we have been persecuted by them, called anti canonical, heretics and none of our sacraments are recognized. This had to stop! Here and now! In addition an application has been made and accepted by the Courts against the Greek Media Group (Ta Nea-3XY) and Neos Kosmos for their involvement as well as implication to this vilification campaign against us with a view, if there is no mutual conciliation, we will also lodge a lawsuit against them. Please note that an opportunity was given to these news organisations to reconcile in a private conversation and they did not accept. Enough is enough! Please support us by filling the form below: